Color Modes
CMYK vs. PMS vs. RGB
CMYK and PMS and RGB are three color models used in different contexts: CMYK and PMS are for print, while RGB is for digital displays. Here’s a breakdown of each:
CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)
Purpose: Used in printing. It’s a subtractive color model, meaning it works by subtracting light from white. In printing, colors are created by mixing varying percentages of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K).
- Usage: Used in professional printing, like brochures, magazines, and posters. Printers mix the four colors to produce a wide range of hues.
How it works: When inks are applied to paper, they subtract (or absorb) certain wavelengths of light and reflect others. The more ink that is used, the less light is reflected. This is why it’s called subtractive — it “subtracts” colors from white light to create the desired hues.
- Cyan: A blue-green color
- Magenta: A red-purple color
- Yellow: A primary yellow color
- Key (Black): Black ink is used because a combination of the three other colors (cyan, magenta, and yellow) doesn’t produce a deep black on paper.
Why CMYK?: Printers work by laying down these four inks in varying amounts. The combination of these four primary colors can create a wide range of colors. The key (black) is added because the mix of CMY can’t produce a true black, and using just those three colors results in a muddy, dark brown.
Range: CMYK has a limited color range compared to RGB. It’s suitable for physical media like magazines, brochures, and other printed materials.
PMS (Pantone Matching System)
Purpose: The main purpose of PMS is to provide a unified and standardized way to match and reproduce colors consistently across different printing processes, materials, and manufacturers. Here’s why it’s important:
Color Accuracy: PMS ensures that a specific color is reproduced consistently across different devices, print shops, and media. This is particularly important for brand integrity, where the exact shade of a company’s logo, product packaging, or marketing material needs to be maintained.
Specialty Colors: PMS allows for the production of colors that cannot be created using CMYK printing, like metallics, neon colors, and unique custom shades.
- Usage: Used in professional printing for
Branding and Corporate Identity. Brands rely on PMS to ensure their logos, packaging, and advertising materials are printed in the exact colors they’ve chosen for their identity.
How it works: Pantone provides specific formulas for mixing their colors. Printers use these formulas to mix the exact ink for the required Pantone color, ensuring color consistency in every print job.
Why PMS?: Because Pantone colors are pre-mixed, there is less risk of the color shifting or changing due to variations in printing processes, paper types, or environmental factors (compared to the dynamic mixing in CMYK printing).
Range: Pantone offers a vast range of colors—over 1,800 in total. The range includes: Basic Colors, Metallics, Pastels, and Neons.
RGB (Red, Green, Blue)
Purpose: Used for digital displays like computer monitors, televisions, and phone screens. It’s an additive color model, meaning colors are created by adding light. The more light you add, the closer you get to white.
- Usage: Primarily used for digital design and on-screen graphics. It is the color model behind all electronic displays and web design.
How it works: The RGB model creates colors by combining red, green, and blue light in various intensities. By adjusting the intensity of each of the three primary colors, a wide range of colors can be produced.
- Red: The red component of the color
- Green: The green component of the color
- Blue: The blue component of the color
Why RGB?: Digital screens emit light, so colors are created by combining different levels of red, green, and blue light. When all three colors are combined at full intensity, the result is pure white. When none of the colors are combined, the result is black.
Range: RGB has a wider range of colors and can produce vibrant, bright colors that are perfect for digital media.
When to use Each Mode:
When to Use Each Mode:
- CMYK is best for general full-color printing like brochures, posters, and photos, where a wide range of colors is needed. However, it can be inconsistent for specific color matching and is limited when it comes to vibrant colors.
- PMS is ideal for brand-focused projects and specialty printing where precise, consistent color matching is crucial. It’s the go-to system for logos, packaging, and high-end marketing materials that need exact color reproduction, especially when using specialty inks like metallics or neon colors.
- RGB: Use for anything that will be displayed on a screen. This includes websites, digital ads, mobile apps, videos, and social media graphics
If you design in RGB for digital media and then try to print that design, the colors may appear differently because the print process uses CMYK, which has a smaller color gamut. Therefore, it’s important to convert your design to CMYK when preparing it for print to ensure colors are as accurate as possible.